
The revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave him to show his servants what must happen very soon

A reading guide to this fascinating but sometimes puzzling book 


Introduction and authors preface

About the author of Revelation and the background of the book.


Revelation Chapter 1

The Lord Jesus is revealed as the director of the Future.

After the introduction to the Lord Jesus and his command to John to write what he will see and hear to the churches, we read the message to seven particular churches that were in the area of Ephesus where John was the bishop and Apostle in  residence. 

Revelation 2.pdf

Revelation Chapter 2

The message to the churches


Revelation Chapter 3

The message to the churches continues

Revelation 4.pdf

Revelation Chapter 4

The things that are to come

Beginning with chapter six and the opening of the seals, we follow the unfolding of events both in heaven and earth as the world approaches the end of the present world and the coming of the Great King. 

Revelation 5.2.pdf

Reveation Chapter 5

The Lamb opens the scrolls.

Revelation 6.pdf

Revelation Chapter 6

The four horsemen

Revelation 7.pdf

Revelation Chapter 7

The 144.000 are sealed.

Revelation 8.pdf

Revelation Chapter 8

The trumpet judgements 

Revelation 9.pdf

Revelation Chapter 9

Satan exposed

Chapter 10.pdf

Revelation Chapter 10

A preview of things to come

Chapter 11.pdf

Revelation Chapter 11

The time has finally come. 

Chapter 12.pdf

Revelation Chapter 12

A little history will put it all into perspective.

Chapter 13.pdf

Revelation Chapter 13

It is not going to be pretty: the mark of the beast.

Chapter 14.pdf

Revelation Chapter 14

The preview of the end

Chapter 15.pdf

Revelation Chapter 15


Revelation 16.pdf

Revelation Chapter 16

The end of the world's systems

Chapter 17.pdf

Revelation Chapter 17

World governments

Chapter 18.pdf

Revelation Chapter 18

Warning! This chapter will be the most difficult to consider.

Chapter 19.pdf

Revelation Chapter 19

The King returns

Chapter 20.pdf

Revelation Chapter 20

Millennium and Judgment

Revelation Chapter 21 22.pdf

Revelation Chapters

 21 & 22

The eternal Kingdom

Don Camp, Bible student and teacher for more than 25 years.  B.A. in English literature and Master of Divinity in Pastoral ministry.  Author of two other reading guides, Messiah and Savior. 

I wrote this reading guide reluctantly. I did not want to miss the mark and predict things that are later found to be mistaken. 

But as I studied and wrote, I found that the most powerful part of the book of Revelation is not the predicting of events and times but the commands of the Lord to be ready.